
4 Simple Tips For A Kick-Ass Email Newsletter Your Patients Will Actually Want To Join – And Read!

In the last decade, I’ve overseen tens of thousands of emails go out to millions of subscribers to my own lists and those of my clients’. As such, I know without the shadow of a doubt, email marketing is the best way to develop a relationship taking your leads from prospects to patients to raving…

Dec 27, 2022

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    In the last decade, I’ve overseen tens of thousands of emails go out to millions of subscribers to my own lists and those of my clients’.

    As such, I know without the shadow of a doubt, email marketing is the best way to develop a relationship taking your leads from prospects to patients to raving fans. Unfortunately, doctors use email marketing in all the wrong ways. Most likely due to inexperienced “marketing experts” who deploy the same strategy for your practice as they did for the local hair salon…

    In this essay I’ll share 4 tips to take your email game to the next level.

    Tip #1: Cadence

    In 2013 I remember working super hard to grow my clinic’s email list.

    We’d tell everyone about it. Asked our patients to sign up for it. Mentioned it every time I went on podcasts or spoke in front of an audience. And I distinctly remember seeing the number in my old Infusionsoft account grow week by week. If you’ve ever grown a list, you know the feeling.

    But if you don’t email them regularly, the moment you do, a bunch of them will unsubscribe when you do!

    So make it a habit to email your list at least once per week and as often as every day if you want to stay top of mind.

    Tip #2: What to write about?

    Most doctors make the mistake of emailing only when they want to sell something.

    Instead of asking your subscribers for their business, you should make it a habit to give to them in every email. Don’t hold anything back! Give them the “secret sauce”, the juicy details about that new diet fad, the exact exercise routine you recommend, everything.

    And avoid giving them “gifts” that require them to buy other things to enjoy. Things like $100 off, BOGO treatments, etc. These are not value; they’re bait.

    Tip # 3: Make it about THEM

    Make sure each email is as long as it needs to be and not a word longer.

    Your subscribers are just as busy as you are. And with every email you send, you’re asking them for a bit of time. Don’t ask for more time than your email deserves – or requires. Instead, respect their time, cut the fluff and go straight to delivering value.

    They’ll thank you for it by opening more of your emails and sharing them with their friends.

    Tip #4: Be patient

    Building an email list is a long process.

    Don’t expect to invest some time up front and start reaping benefits right away. It’s about developing relationships with your subscribers. Go in knowing it will take 18 months –or more– for your email list to constantly generate business for you.

    But here’s the thing: it will take you 18 months whether you start today, or in 2 years…

    If you’re thinking it can’t be this simple, you’d be right.

    But as Jim Rohn used to say, “what’s easy to do, is easy not to do.” Don’t let that be you. Follow these tips and you’ll be miles ahead of every other newsletter creator chasing the shiny new tactic while neglecting these fundamentals.

    If you’d like to see how I do it, join my newsletter It’s Not Brain Surgery

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