Personal Branding

Creating Content Must Be Part Of Your Marketing Plan – Here’s How To Get Started

I have been a consultant for medical practices and healthcare-related businesses for more than 6 years. In that time, I’ve helped each of these businesses put together a marketing plan that helps them convert more visitors into clients. And a big part of that is through content creation. But the problem is most doctors create…

Jan 1, 2023

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    I have been a consultant for medical practices and healthcare-related businesses for more than 6 years.

    In that time, I’ve helped each of these businesses put together a marketing plan that helps them convert more visitors into clients. And a big part of that is through content creation. But the problem is most doctors create random pieces of content which –unsurprisingly– yield little to no results.

    The following are the 3 simple (but effective) pieces of advice I give every doctor who wants to start creating content online:

    #1: Write for your readers

    At first I was too concerned about what my peers would think about my content.

    This makes you create articles and videos full of jargon, technicalities, and hard-to-grasp concepts in an effort to sound “professional”. When you do this, none of your potential patients will feel like the information is meant for them.

    Now, before you create a piece of content, imagine you’re writing it for one of your patients.

    #2: Make content as to-the-point as possible

    While there is a time for deep-dives, most online consumers are looking for the answer to a specific question. So make sure to keep your pieces short, and to the point.

    If your posts are long, break them into multiple shorter posts.

    #3: Repost and repurpose often

    It’s normal to feel like you’ve said everything there is to be said about your field just a few weeks in your writing journey.

    Which means it’s time to repost some of your original content. Feel free to tweak it a little, add some context, put in new links, but don’t think you need to create an entirely original piece every time you hit post.

    In fact, you shouldn’t. As your audience grows, your original followers will never have seen those first posts. And even your OGs will appreciate the refresher.

    When in doubt keep in mind: “nobody remembers your content like you remember your content.”

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