Personal Branding

Creating Health Content Should Be Mandatory for Healthcare Professionals

I believe as doctors we have a moral obligation to create and publish accurate health content.

Aug 3, 2022

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    90% of social media content is created by 1% of its users.

    The other 99% don’t regularly create anything. They simply consume what the 1% creates. This is true on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok…

    Which means there’s a lot of room for you to create and publish your content as well.

    But it also means any loser with an internet connection can publish garbage and it will get amplified, shared and it will influence millions of people.

    Doctors have a moral obligation to create and publish accurate health content

    Just like we push doctors to publish articles for medical journals, we should find a way to incentivize publication of health content to social media.

    Imagine the impact this could have in public health. Not to mention trust in healthcare professionals would improve – which is sorely needed nowadays. And the cherry on top? We’d drown the quacks and scammers with accurate content.

    What do you think?

    If you want to learn the art of digital writing, you should totally join an upcoming cohort of Ship 30 for 30.

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