
There Are Only 3 Types Of Content Every Doctor Website Needs, And Almost No Website Has Them

When you are struggling to come up with content for your website, you just need to think like a potential patient: what is the type of content they want your opinion about?

Jul 29, 2022

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    “I just don’t know what to write about…”

    If this thought has ever crossed your mind, you’re not alone. Most doctors I work with have had this problem. Fortunately, it’s very easy to fix. You just need to think like a potential patient: what is the type of content they are interested in your opinion about?

    And to make things even easier for you, in this essay I’m going to cover the 3 categories of content every doctor website must have:

    1. Broad Educational Content

    This is where you, as a physician gets to educate your potential patients about general health-related topics.

    And yes, you should always try to do it in a way that relates to your field or specialty but it doesn’t have to be related. A perfect example of this is COVID. Every single doctor, regardless of their field or specialty, should’ve written something educating their patients about COVID in the last two years.

    Other examples are: dietary advice, health trends, wellness and exercise, etc.

    This content is good to fill in the gaps but should not constitute more than 15% of your total content output.

    This is the perfect type of content to outsource to a VA or freelance writer, then just review and edit before publishing.

    2. Specialty-Specific Content

    As the name implies, in this type of content, you talk about topic that are directly related to your field or specialty.

    A great source of topic ideas for this type of content are questions your patients ask you on a daily basis. From symptoms to diagnostic tests. From treatment options to side effects and prognosis. Every topic is on the table.

    My rule of thumb: if someone has ever asked you that question, chances are there’s thousands of other patients with the same question looking for an answer.

    So go ahead and answer!


    Word of advice, it’s better to write several small pieces of content addressing one question each, than to put together one huge curriculum addressing everything. Think like the reader; they don’t want the backstory, just the answer.

    3. Practice-Specific Content

    Last, but definitely not least, is content that is specific to your practice.

    As discussed yesterday, this type of content should be easily accessible throughout your website. And it should also be part of your nurture funnel. This is where you answer every question a potential patient might have about you and your practice.

    Questions like “who is your ideal patient”, “who is not a suitable patient”, “what conditions do you treat”, “what is the price of your services”, and everything else in between should be answered in different pieces of content in your website.


    This type of content is not to “boast” about your credentials, degrees, staff or equipment. It is to answer the common questions patients have about working with you.

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