
I Tripled My Visitor to Consultation Conversions Using This 6-Email Sequence.

If you're like most of the private practice doctors I work with, you're likely emaling less than you should. Here are the 6 emails we used to triple our website conversions in my own practice

Jul 5, 2022

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    Email is the most underutilized marketing tool in every doctor’s toolbox.

    But it was responsible for boosting my clinic’s conversion rate (from inquiry to consultation) from 12% to >40%. And a full decade later, I continue seeing similar results whenever we deploy this strategy in our clients’ practices. And it only requires email. Specifically, automated email sequences.

    Unfortunately, most doctors struggle to compose one email, let alone six!

    So to make things easy for you, in this essay I’m sharing with you the structure of each of the 6 emails in my sequence:

    Email 1

    Use this email to introduce yourself and your practice.

    Keep it short and to the point. Nobody has time to read a 1000 word email.

    Email 2

    I refer to this email as the “friendly reminder”. Make this a short email, with the same clear call to action.

    Email 3

    This used to be an email summarizing some positive outcomes from previous patients. Remember, the goal is not to sell them on your services, the goal is to position yourself as an expert.

    Email 4

    This is a short and sweet email with a transitional call to action. Instead of asking potential patients to schedule a call, we invited them to join our Facebook community and follow us on social media.

    Email 5

    This is where you get to send the long, text heavy email you used to send patients before learning about sequences.

    Email 6

    The breaking up email. In this email, you let them know you will no longer follow up with them and any further contact is up to them.

    This is the most replied to email in the entire sequence so don’t be afraid of sending it.

    This is the entire structure of the email sequence responsible for tripling my consultations from website visitors.

    And to make things dead-easy for you, I’ve included the exact emails I used to send in a Google Doc. For free. Use the link below to add a copy of it to your account.

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