
3 Simple Shifts That Will Grow Any Private Medical Practice In 8 Weeks Or Less Without Having To Spend Any Money

You don't always need to spend money in order to turn things around. You just need to be intentional about your marketing.

Mar 22, 2022

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    In 2013 I found myself in charge of a failing medical practice.

    At the time there were only a handful of stem cell clinics in existence. This meant we had to invest too much time educating our potential patients before they could even consider our therapies. At one point, the time from their first inquiry to becoming a patient was 9 months!

    These 3 simple shifts changed everything for my practice, and I’m willing to bet they can help yours as well.

    1. Specialize

    Imagine being in need of a mechanic for your 1958 Mustang Cobra. And you find a shop that services classic cars like yours. As well as motorcycles, minivans and electric vehicles. Anything with an engine and wheels.

    Would this make you feel like they’re the experts you’re looking for?

    Well, that ‘yes, we can treat that’ approach wasn’t helping us either.

    So we made a list of the types of inquiries that we were getting, and the types of patients we had treated who had great results. We cross-referenced them and found our sweet spot. Now instead of a full laundry list of treatable conditions, we focused on two: autism, and cerebral palsy.

    This made everything easier.

    2. Simplify

    Once we knew who our ideal patients were, we took to the task of simplifying our messaging.

    “If you confuse you lose.” — Donald Miller, StoryBrand

    We looked through our entire website, our emails, and every piece of collateral we sent out. We got rid of all the big medical words and replaced them with words that they used to describe their symptoms and health challenges.

    Here’s the thing: your website is for your potential patients.

    And if they can’t understand what you’re trying to communicate, you won’t be able to serve them.

    3. Lead

    This was the simplest, and also the toughest change to implement.

    We made sure to always tell our patients what was the next step in their journey:

    • When they visited our website → Apply for treatment.
    • After they applied → Schedule a consultation.
    • At the end of the consultation → This is how you book your treatment.
    • And so on.

    By doing so we position ourselves as the expert that is providing counsel, while the patient is still in control of the process.

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