Personal Branding

A Dead-Simple, 4-Step Content Creation System That Doesn’t Feel Like a Second Job

Everyone keeps telling you to create content to build your thought leadership online. But what they didn’t tell you is how time consuming and mentally taxing content creation is! Specially when you have to post something every day to stay in the algorithm’s graces. How are you supposed to do all of that? Here’s how,…

Dec 5, 2022

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    Everyone keeps telling you to create content to build your thought leadership online.

    But what they didn’t tell you is how time consuming and mentally taxing content creation is! Specially when you have to post something every day to stay in the algorithm’s graces. How are you supposed to do all of that?

    Here’s how, step by step:

    Step 1: Collect ideas

    The biggest hurdle is coming up with ideas!

    But ideas are everywhere if you’re paying attention. Get in the habit of making a note of every question your patients ask you. I use an app on my iPhone to quickly capture ideas without it distracting me from what I’m doing. Other sources of ideas are conversations with colleagues, current events related to your field or specialty, even television shows.

    Soon, you’ll have an entire list of potential ideas to explore whenever you’re ready to create.

    Step 2: Create your content

    The big misconception about content creation is thinking every piece of content has to be broad and valuable for everyone.

    Nothing is further from the truth. All your content needs to do is answer a single, specific questions for a specific group of people. Which means every idea you have in your list, can generate a nearly infinite number of pieces of content.

    Try niching down each idea based on demographics, age, industry, occupation, situation, problem, or a combination of the above.

    Step 3: Schedule each post

    You do not need to set alarms and reminders to post each piece of content at the right time.

    Instead, you should leverage the same tools professional content creators use to always post at the right time. They’re much more accessible than you think and they will free up your time –and mental bandwidth!

    Step 4: Analyze your content’s performance

    Every platform gives you access to your analytics.

    Yet most beginner creators don’t even look at them! This is where you can validate your content. See what is working and do more of it. See what is not and stop doing it.

    Get in the habit of analyzing your content and adjust your strategy.

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