
3 Reasons Why Every Doctor Should Have A Side-Gig

Having a side-gig is the best way to diversify your income and give yourself options when it comes your job.

Mar 17, 2022

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    Doctors are quitting medicine in droves.

    There’s not a single reason for this but I believe that a side-gig can help you stay in practice longer.

    Here is why:

    1. A side-gig gives you a creative outlet.

    Doctors train and specialize for many years.

    Which is great for patients that need an expert in whatever ails them at that moment.

    But for the doctor who has to see the exact same half a dozen diagnoses for her entire career? Not so great.

    This is why it’s crucial to have a creative outlet.

    A side-gig can fill your creative tank allowing you to be fully present in the repetitiveness of your clinical practice.

    2. You learn new skills

    The difference between a hobby and a side-gig is that the latter pays for itself. Or at least it should.

    Ask any artist and you’ll learn that it’s not the same to create art as to live off that art. Living off their art forces them to develop skills that seemingly have nothing to do with their craft.

    Skills like understanding their audience, engaging with them, negotiating partnerships, setting up an online store, shipping and logistics, sales, etc…

    Learning new skills will keep your brain sharp and hungry to learn regardless of whether you can apply these skills to your clinical career or not.

    3. You will always have options

    Most doctors are carrying ridiculous amounts of student loan debt, mortgages, car payments, etc. Physician employers know this and have been taking advantage of doctors for years.

    But when your side-gig is bringing in some money, you have leverage.

    You no longer need to accept the first offer that you’re presented with. You can even contemplate going solo without fear for your financial future.

    A side-gig puts you back in control of your career.


    A side-gig helps you grow personally, professionally, and financially. You can start one right now.
    And the best part? It has virtually zero downsides.

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