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3 Simple (But Effective) Pieces Of Advice I’d Give Any Doctor Starting To Create Content Online

There are a handful of common mistakes doctors make when they start creating content online. Unfortunately, unless you identify them as mistakes, your content-creation journey will be brief and filled with frustration.

Sep 6, 2022

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    I have been creating content online as a doctor for 11 years.

    These are the 3 simple (but effective) pieces of advice I’d give anyone starting out (or who wants to get started):

    Advice #1: Create for your readers, not for your peers

    When I began creating content online, I was too concerned about what my peers would think about my content. This made me create articles and videos full of jargon, technicalities, and hard-to-grasp concepts in an effort to sound “professional”. The result was none of my potential patients felt the information was meant for them.

    It took me at least 18 months to realize this and really simplify my content. But when I did, the difference was night and day.

    Advice #2: Make your content as short and to-the-point as possible

    We’re often tempted to dive deep into a specific topic when writing an article or creating a video. And there certainly is a place and time for deep-dives. But the truth is most online consumers are looking for the answer to a specific question. So make sure to keep your pieces short, and to the point.

    Advice #3: Repost and repurpose often

    After a few months of creating content online, you’ll feel like you’ve said everything there is to say about your field or specialty. Which means it’s time to repost some of your original content. Feel free to tweak it a little, add some context, put in new links, but don’t think you need to create an entirely original piece every time you hit post.

    In fact, you shouldn’t. As your audience grows, your original followers will never have seen those first posts. And even your OGs will appreciate the refresher.

    When in doubt keep in mind: “nobody remembers your content like you remember your content.”

    Ever feel like you need to do so many things to grow your business but don’t have time to do any of them? You’re not alone. Get in touch to learn how we help doctors create content and grow their audience (and practice!) in less than 2 hours per week.

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