Personal Branding

3 Dead-Simple Steps To Create More Engaging Content As A Doctor

One thing is to create content, but another, completely different one, is getting patients to read it. That's why you need to learn how to communicate your ideas in an engaging manner.

Aug 4, 2022

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    What is the secret behind creators whose content “hits” differently with their audience?

    There are several factors but in this essay I’ll share with you the 3 simple steps that will immediately increase the impact your content makes on your patients. Use these steps as a checklist before you publish your next piece of content.

    Here’s how, step by step:

    Step 1: Create for one person only.

    Although your content can be consumed by many people, creating it for a single person is the easiest way to improve it.

    Eliminate words like “you guys”, “y’all”, “everyone”, “they”, and replace them with “you”. People consume your content individually. Not as a group.

    Step 2: Answer just one specific question per piece of content.

    Imagine you’re a family physician who gets lots of questions about diabetes.

    The mistake is to create one huge video or article, explaining what diabetes is, what causes it, who’s at risk, what are the treatment options, complications, etcetera… Don’t do that.

    Instead, break it down into the smallest chunk possible, and answer that.

    Step 3: Repost and repurpose your content.

    Health content might become less relevant but it does not expire.

    And once created, it becomes an asset working to educate your patients 24/7. So don’t be afraid of linking to it regularly. Repost your articles, tweets, and videos.

    Trust me, nobody remembers your content like you remember your content.

    If you’ve been struggling with content creation and just can’t crack the code, I can help. Click here to book a 1:1 call with me and let’s get you a content calendar once and for all!

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