
How To Turn Your Audience Into Clients

Just like you wouldn't ask someone to marry you on the first date, there are steps to building a relationship with potential clients.

Nov 29, 2022

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    There are 3 stages your prospects need to go through before they’ll buy your main offer:

    1. A free lead magnet
    2. An entry-point offer
    3. The “main” product or service

    The goal at each stage is to develop the “know, like and trust” factor your prospects need before they’ll feel ready to buy.

    Unfortunately, most beginner entrepreneurs go straight to the final step.

    What is a lead magnet?

    A lead magnet is a simple, to-the-point, and easy to consume digital asset which you give away for free in exchange for their email address.

    Some good examples of lead magnets are:

    • Checklists
    • Templates
    • Infographics

    Any of these can be downloaded and consumed on any device. Also, you’re not asking people to invest more than 5 minutes to consume it. And they’ll get the benefit from it right away.

    Not great ideas for lead magnets:

    • Ebooks
    • Webinars
    • Masterclasses

    The most important function of a lead magnet is not to get their email address. It’s to provide value and start a relationship. And if you’re asking for 60 minutes to consume a masterclass, the likelihood they’ll consume it is close to zero.

    Coming Up With a Great Lead Magnet

    Define one, small, specific problem your audience has as it relates to your services.

    In my case, I know independent doctors want to know where their blindspots are and what are some easy tweaks they can make to get a better return on their marketing efforts. So I created a simple 15 question, yes/no marketing diagnostic quiz.

    In less than 3 minutes, they can take the quiz, get their result, and see what are the areas they need to focus on.

    Then what?

    Do this step right and you will earn the right to present them with an entry-point offer.

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